About Us

Our Vision

The Rotary Club of Greater Huntsville is a recognized leader in providing service to others, locally and internationally, while fostering professional fellowship and Service above Self.

Our Mission

The Rotary Club of Greater Huntsville provides avenues of service in vocational, community, international and new generation development while fostering Service above Self through vocational programs, weekly programs, and other engagement activities.  Collaborating with the entire Rotary family and other organizations with similar missions, we work to benefit the greater community.

About Us

We are one club out of 33,000+ Rotary International clubs world wide.  Rotary International  has as one of its missions to eradicate polio in the world.  Rotary is the lead organization in this initiative and has partnered with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

The Rotary Club of Greater Huntsville - Club #27352 is in Rotary Zone 30 and District 6860.  We have about 120 members from the metropolitan Huntsville community.

The Four Way Test

All Rotarians pledge to lead ethical lives.  A statement of that pledge is the “Four Way Test” which uses four questions to guide us in all that we think, say and do.

Is it the truth?

Is it fair to all concerned?

Will it build good will and better friendships?

Will it be beneficial to all concerned?​​​​​

Our History

Our club was established in 1990.

We are proud to serve our friends and neighbors in the Greater Huntsville area and beyond.

Our Leadership

 Perez, JoAnn
 Brooks, Beth A.
 Killough, Graham C.
iPast President
 Abbott, Lisa
 Love, William Curtis
 Broderick, Clifton J.
 Freeman, Paul C.
Director-Internal Services
 Rogers, Michael B.
 Elkins, Marcia
PR and Communications
 Klos, Read Lawson Sr.
Director-External Services
 Ridley, Joseph G.
Rotary Foundation Chair
 Hamilton, Gena
 Bryan, Lisa Michelle
Club Fundraising Chair

We provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.

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Mailing Address

Rotary Club of Greater Huntsville
P.O. Box 772
Huntsville, AL 35804